Legal Translation

Legal language can be written just for specialists. In business it is important that all parties involved are reading from the same ‘hymn sheet’. Our strength is tha


The law offices of Kurdistan Daloye has built an impeccable track record in litigation and dispute resolution. Our clients turn to our services whenever the stakes are really high or where the work requires original and unusually complex input. We believe in alternative resolution of disputes and generally regard courts as a remedy of last resort. We therefore at first instance review every matter from the prospective of securing an amicable and beneficial resolution of the dispute by means of arbitration, mediation and negotiation proceedings. This saves our clients time, costs and other constraints of unnecessary litigation.

The world is rapidly becoming a global market place, but local knowledge is crucial to best meet customers’ demands. The law office of Kurdistan Daloye can help you with that. We can rely on a wide lobby network and are an active member of various national and international trade organisations.

Legal Service


The law offices of Kurdistan Daloye has built an impeccable track record in litigation and disput

Business advisory

Our Business Advisory Services comprise a wide range of services, varying from a
